Come and celebrate the season with fellow CFUW members.
December 8
5:00 at Maximilians Restaurant
Contact Kathy Wilson-Lafleur for details or to confirm your attendance.

Bring your toonies and loonies as we are collecting donations for the CFUW National Charitable Trust, including designating 50% of donations to the CFUW 1989 ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE COMMEMORATIVE AWARDS. You don't need to attend the Holiday dinner to donate! Donations can be made online here: and receive a tax receipt for your donation.
The Social Justice Committee is also asking for donations of toiletries —creams, shampoos, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, kleenex etc (the ones you can pick up at Shoppers in the travel size section), also chocolates -Christmassy kinds of little treats, as well as a "grandma or mom type gift for the teens and young adults to who are in crisis, or homeless" -- to put in a stocking for them. Both Cornerstone Landing and YAK so appreciate our generosity. Let's fill the basket!